Curricular Internships for Master’s Degree in Psychology (Abilitating Degrees)

The information on this page and its related sections is valid only for students enrolled in the 1st year of the academic year 2023/24 of the Master’s Degree programs LM 51, where the study plan for the 2nd year includes the practical evaluative internship (TPV).

On May 7, 2024, the School sent an email to all structures already on the list of affiliated internship sites for post-graduate internships, confirming their compliance with requirements, inviting them to request the availability to establish new agreements to host internships for abilitating degree students.

For details on affiliated internship sites, please refer to: Internship Locations.


Internship Periods and Application Windows for Academic Year 2024/25

Four different start periods for TPV will be planned, with the first windows for submitting applications as follows:

Internship Period

Documentation Submission Deadline

Start from October 15, 2024

Applications must be submitted from June 15, 2024, to July 30, 2024

Start from December 15, 2024

Applications must be submitted from October 10, 2024, to November 10, 2024 (ACTIVE)

Start from March 1, 2025

Applications must be submitted from January 10, 2025, to February 10, 2025

Start from June 1, 2025

Applications must be submitted from April 10, 2025, to May 10, 2025


The School is proceeding with agreements with companies/entities that positively responded to the communication sent to them.

Students who coordinate with an entity from the above list for internships starting on December 15, 2024, or March 15, 2025, must communicate to the Internship Office ( the name of the structure and its internship address, as well as the name/email/phone number of the contact person with whom agreements were made. The Internship Office will verify as soon as possible if the structure is interested in proceeding with the agreement for students.


Important Notes

  • For searching for a structure available to host an intern, if you do not receive a response via email within a reasonable time, it is advisable to call the contact person using the numbers provided in the descriptive sheets above or find the phone numbers on the websites of the structures you are interested in.
  • Internships cannot be conducted at Italian or foreign universities.
  • For the academic year 2024/25, the possibility of conducting internships abroad for all TPV is temporarily suspended (until further notice).
  • For TPV at healthcare structures (e.g., ASL Toscana Centro, ASL Toscana Nord-Ovest, ASL Toscana Sud-Est, Careggi Hospital, Meyer Hospital), it is advisable to check their websites well in advance for the publication of internal selection notices for interns and to inquire when such publication will occur. This internal selection is a prerequisite before officially submitting the application to the School of Psychology through the form during the indicated application windows.



- AZIENDA USL TOSCANA CENTRO (Deadline: 05/12/2024 by 12:00)
Internship period starting from 15 MARCH 2025
For further information, please contact Dr. Saverio Vermigli - Personnel Administration Area - Via San Salvi 12 c/o Villa Fabbri
Email: or

The recruitment notice will be published at the end of December 2024 in the Corporate Online Register (Bandi di Gara e Avvisi)



IMPORTANT: Please note that internal selection, through a public call, within USL companies and other healthcare organizations (e.g., Meyer, Careggi), must be completed prior to the official and mandatory submission of the application to the School of Psychology via the FORM during the designated windows indicated at the following link:https


(Uploading the following documents into the Form by the deadline of each submission window)
Once availability has been confirmed by the affiliated hosting organization, the following documentation must be prepared and uploaded into the form within one of the designated submission windows.

    The document must be completed digitally, and the final page must include:

Phases and Timeframes for Activities

This section must indicate the weekly schedule, specifying:

  • Total weekly hours
  • Start and end times for each day, agreed upon with the hosting organization and psychologist tutor.

It is essential to calculate carefully the "end" date of the internship, aligning it with the TPV period specified in the SUMMARY of the project (total weeks and weekly hours, ensuring completion of the total required TPV hours). Account for any pre-scheduled suspensions (e.g., structure closures, holidays for the intern or tutor).
TPV hour simulation file is provided below for assistance.

    (TPV Hour Simulation file)
    Include the tutor’s self-declaration document with their ID.
    Download Self-Declaration
    Each psychologist tutor may supervise a maximum of 5 interns simultaneously for TPVs, regardless of the interns' universities or the number of organizations where the tutor operates.
    Refer to the provided link. The certificate obtained during a UNIFI undergraduate degree is valid. If specific safety training is required by the hosting organization, it must be delivered or recognized by that organization. However, the internship office requires only the general 4-hour safety certificate. Note: Safety courses organized by UNIFI are reserved for enrolled students.


The School will prepare a FORM for submitting/uploading the above documents. The link will be inserted HERE starting from the first day of the application submission window.

From 10/01/2025 to 10/02/2025
For students enrolled in the 2nd year of the Master's Degree LM/51 (new qualifying system) starting on 01/03/2025.
(The form will be made available on 10/01/2025.)


(Evaluation by Commission and notification via email to each intern)
The internal internship commission will review the uploaded documentation after the submission window closes. An email will be sent to each intern before the internship begins to confirm whether the documentation has been approved or if any additions, corrections, or clarifications are required.

The intern must forward the email from the Internship Office to the hosting organization and psychologist tutor to confirm that the internship has been approved and can officially start on the indicated date. 

Note: The office will not send emails directly to the hosting organizations or tutors.


(Submission of original documents)
Only after receiving an approval email from, the intern must send all original documents by registered mail with return receipt to:

Scuola di Psicologia - Segreteria Tirocini - Via della Torretta 16 - 50137 Firenze.

Alternatively, the intern may deliver the originals in person by booking an appointment via Google Calendar.

List of original documents to submit (with full handwritten signatures on paper):

  • Training project (organization stamp and signatures of tutor, legal representative, and intern)
  • Tutor’s self-declaration with a copy of their ID
  • Copy of the intern’s ID
  • Copy of the safety training certificate.

Incomplete documents or photocopied/non-original signatures will not be accepted.

FOURTH PHASE (Training Logbook)

Daily attendance and activities conducted during the TPV must be recorded in the training logbook.

  • Download the training logbook online (includes Tutor's evaluation section).
  • Activities may be filled out by hand or digitally, but all signatures must be handwritten (not scanned, photocopied, or digital).

At the beginning and end of each period, the organization stamp must be placed near the legal representative's signature.

At the conclusion of the period, the logbook must include the Tutor's evaluation with a fitness judgment for admission to the Practical Assessment Test (PPV) required for qualification as a psychologist. A stamp must also be placed near the tutor's signature.

Before submission, make a photocopy of the logbook and evaluation, as these may be required for the PPV application or for future purposes.

For questions regarding this process

Before overwhelming the office with emails or phone calls, please read the following document
Practical Training Assessment (TPV) FAQ.

Last update



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