
Students can be admitted to take exams only if they are up to date with their tuition fees. For students enrolled in first-level degrees, the failure to fulfill Additional Learning Obligations (OFA) prevents the student from registering for and taking the course's profit exams.

The exam sessions are established by the Psychology School Council in the academic calendar.

To register for exams, students must have the student ID and password provided by the Student Secretariat at the time of enrollment. If they do not have them or have lost them, they must request them from the Student Secretariat.

Exam registration is done through the online booking service.

Exam Registration Procedures


  • Exam consisting of written exam + oral exam

For exams composed of a written exam + oral exam, the student must necessarily register for the written exam through the Appeals section. The oral exam is found both in the description field of the written exam and in the Partial Tests section; registration for the oral exam in the Partial Tests section is not mandatory (unless indicated by the teacher).


  • Integrated Exams

For integrated exams, each module that makes up the exam consists of one or more partial tests whose dates are visible in the Partial Tests section. To communicate the intention to take the relevant part of the exam, the student must register in the Partial Tests section. These appeals are not recorded, so any grade given by the teacher cannot be accepted by the student and counted towards their academic progress.

In the Appeals section, the student finds the recording appeal marked as RECORDING OF THE INTEGRATED EXAM, to which the student registers only to record the integrated exam; the student must follow the instructions provided in the notes.

Duration of the grade for a partial test. Once a partial test has been taken, the student must take the other test and record the integrated exam within three subsequent sessions following the one in which they took the first part of the exam (therefore within the same session of the following year from when they took the first test).


  • Changes of Group (A-K and L-Z)

It is important to note that changes of group (alphabetical partition A-K / L-Z) are not allowed, as the system blocks registrations for exams with teachers not assigned to their alphabetical partition during the registration process.

Only in exceptional cases will justified requests (e.g., health or work-related reasons) be considered if sent to the School ( in written form.


  • Out-of-Study Plan Exams

Courses in the School of Psychology are limited in number; therefore, it is not possible for students enrolled in other degree programs to take out-of-program exams.

To have a comprehensive view of the exams, it is advisable to always check the appeals from the Unifi Appeals Board as well.

It is also recommended to consult the Student Guide - Online Exam Appeal Registration.


Exam Calendar
Exams take place in three different sessions, for a total of eight appeals, according to the following calendar:

Exam Session



Winter (three rounds)

from Tuesday, January 7, 2025, to Friday, February 28, 2025

3 differentiated for each teaching and at least 14 days apart

Summer (three rounds)

from Monday, June 9, 2025, to Thursday, July 31, 2025

3 differentiated for each teaching and at least 14 days apart

Autumn (two rounds)

from Monday, September 1, 2025, to Tuesday, September 30, 2025

2 differentiated for each teaching and at least 14 days apart

Last update



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