Evaluation of Teaching

The evaluation of teaching by students is conducted online and applies to all courses of study governed by D.M. 509/1999 and D.M. 270/2004.


The online procedure aims to make it easier and more accessible for students to evaluate teaching, with the goal of significantly increasing the number of completed questionnaires compared to the paper-based system.


The evaluation by attending students, introduced in 1999 (Law 370/1999), constitutes one of the reference parameters that contributes to quantifying the performance-related portion of the FFO allocated to universities (Law 1/2009).


Through an application developed by Siaf (Information System of the University of Florence), students can evaluate (by logging in with their student ID and password) the teaching offered through a questionnaire divided into five sections:


  1. Degree Program
  2. Course
  3. Teaching
  4. Classrooms and Equipment
  5. Satisfaction


Based on the responses to two initial filter questions (the indication of the teacher to whom the evaluations refer—selected from a list of teachers responsible for the course starting from the academic year of enrollment—and the indication of the percentage of attendance in classes), a different subset of questions will be proposed to the student from all those provided. In addition to the 18 fixed questions that are the same for all courses, schools can add 5 questions to meet specific evaluative needs. The evaluations of the courses are in no way associated with those who provided them.


Information for Students


Evaluation Results

The results of the teaching evaluation are available on the dedicated website.


For any reports or comments, the Rector’s Delegate for the evaluation of educational processes, Bruno Bertaccini, can be contacted at

Last update



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