Moodle E-Learning Platform

Access to the Moodle E-learning Platform A.Y. 2024-2025

Access to the Moodle E-learning Platform A.Y. 2023-2024

Access to the Moodle E-learning Platform A.Y. 2022-2023

Access to the Moodle E-learning Platform A.Y. 2021-2022

Access to the Moodle E-learning Platform A.Y. 2020-2021

Access to the Moodle E-learning Platform A.Y. 2019-2020

Access to the Moodle E-learning Platform A.Y. 2018-2019

Access to the Moodle E-learning Platform A.Y. 2017-2018

Access to the Moodle E-learning Platform A.Y. 2016-2017

Access to the Moodle E-learning Platform A.Y. 2015-2016



The Moodle E-Learning platform is an open-source software product for distance learning (LMS - Learning Management System), usable both as support for regular classroom courses and for managing fully online courses. Through the E-Learning Educational Offer, it is possible to download the teaching materials provided by teachers to supplement and support traditional teaching activities. Teachers and students access the platform with their university credentials. For new enrollees, the platform will be accessible at least 5 days after the matriculation number has been assigned.


In courses where spontaneous enrollment is allowed, students can register independently; however, registration often requires the entry of an enrollment key, which is communicated by the teacher to the students in their course.


Moodle is:

  • An open-source platform, free from both licensing purchase costs and maintenance costs, developed and tested with the interest and collaboration of the most prestigious universities worldwide.
  • Usable at a basic level, as a simple repository for educational materials (handouts, audio, video, notes, etc.).
  • Usable at a more complex level, with greater interaction between teachers and students, emphasizing communication and collaboration.


In Moodle, it is possible to:

  • Upload educational materials
  • Communicate through chat
  • Create quizzes and assignments
  • Conduct lessons via video streaming
  • Use collaborative work tools such as wikis, glossaries, etc.
  • Perform exercises and assessments, as well as self-assessments


Guide to Using the Moodle Platform:

Last update



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