Since Thursday, November 3, 2011, the online service for the evaluation of teaching by students has been active for all courses in undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
Completion of the evaluation is essential in order to proceed with the online booking of the exam for the evaluated course.
Even non-attending students are required to complete an evaluation questionnaire, which is less detailed than the one proposed for attending students.
The online questionnaire must be completed by students once two-thirds of the lessons have been held, and preferably within one week after the end of the lessons.
To complete the evaluation questionnaires for the courses included in their personal study plan, students must access the online service "Questionnaires for Teaching Evaluation".
Courses not included in the study plan can also be individually evaluated. In this case, the evaluation is only possible during the exam booking phase by accessing the online service "Exam Booking": the system will automatically redirect the student to complete the questionnaire, preventing exam booking if the questionnaire has not been completed.
The evaluations of the courses cannot in any way be associated with the individuals who provided them.
The questionnaires are filled out through an application developed by SIAF (Information System of the University of Florence), and the results of the teaching evaluation are published online.
For further information, please visit the "Teaching Evaluation" page or contact the email address
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