Request for Exam Recognition

To submit a request for exam recognition, students must complete the "Exam Recognition Request" form, available at the following link: (LINK). The form must be filled out in its entirety, accompanied by all required attachments, and submitted to the Academic Office as follows:

  • Submission via Email
    Send the completed form by email to the Academic Office at for applications requiring virtual stamp duty. In this case, the stamp duty must be requested in advance from the Student Office by sending an email from the student's official Unifi email account to, with the subject line: "Stamp Duty Request for Psychology School, Student ID _______"

    All documentation should be sent to the Academic Office only after payment has been completed. Applications submitted without all required elements will be considered invalid.


  • In-Person Submission
    For applications with an original €16 duty stamp affixed, students may deliver the documents in person to the Academic Office at Via della Torretta 16, by appointment. Appointments can be scheduled by phone (055 2755373 - 055 2755383) or by email (


Please note that only requests demonstrating equivalence of SSD (Scientific Disciplinary Sectors) and containing programs that align closely with the exam to be recognized will be considered.

It is required that SSD and CFU, where applicable in the applicant’s academic path, be clearly indicated in the appropriate sections of the form. If these details were not originally included, the request must be thoroughly documented with the curriculum or course descriptions of the qualification/exam being recognized.

The strict equivalence between the qualification/exam attained and the one for which recognition is being sought within the academic program must be understood and maintained.



The bachelor’s degree in Psychological Sciences and Techniques requires the study and knowledge of English as a foreign language, as specified by the L-24 teaching organization.


Recognition of Previous Training

Those who possess a certification issued by one of the entities officially recognized by the Ministry of University and Research (click here) may apply for recognition, following the procedures outlined above for exam recognition.

[Note: For English language exams, in the “EXAM TITLE” field on the form, you may write only "English language," and in the "UNIVERSITY" field, indicate the issuing entity (e.g., Cambridge). All other fields may be left blank.]


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