Internships for Qualification as a Psychologist and Doctor in Psychological Techniques (Old System)

Only those who have obtained their degree/master’s degree at the University of Florence are eligible to apply for internships for access to state examinations/practical evaluations for qualification to practice as a Psychologist (Section A) and for access to state examinations for qualification as a Doctor in Psychological Sciences and Techniques (Section B) (Resolution of the Council of the School of Psychology on April 3, 2019).


The DPR 328/01 and Law 170/03 provide for two Sections in the professional register of the order of psychologists: Section A and Section B.


Section A of the Professional Register

The law governing the profession of Psychologist (Law No. 56 of February 18, 1989, and subsequent amendments) prescribes that, in order to practice the profession, a graduate in Psychology must have obtained qualification and be registered in the Professional Register of Psychologists.


For Graduates of the old Master’s degree programs in class LM-51 (non-enabling), with the entry into force of the Interministerial Decrees of 2022, a Practical Evaluative Internship (TPV) of 750 hours is required for admission to the Practical Evaluative Test (PPV) for qualification.

For the School of Psychology UNIFI, TPVs began with the entry into force and implementation of the Regulation on January 16, 2023.

However, those who started the internship on September 15, 2022, being in a transition period from the previous post-graduate regulations to the new TPV regulations, have completed the TPV in all respects; therefore, for the purpose of qualification to practice as a Psychologist, they must register for the Practical Evaluative Test (PPV), as per Interministerial Decree 567 of June 20, 2022.


Those holding degrees from previous regulations (specialist degree class 58/S or a 5-year degree obtained under regulations prior to DM 509/99) must complete one year of post-graduate internship divided into two continuous and uninterrupted semesters in two different Areas, aimed at acquiring competencies, methodologies, and operational tools related to the professional practice of a psychologist.

In accordance with regulations regarding professional activity, the professional practice subject to the psychologist's internship must also be conceived distinctly from that of the psychotherapist, for which a different and subsequent training path is provided.

Those registered in Section A hold the professional title of Psychologist.



Section B of the Professional Register

The DPR 328/01 states that, in order to practice as a Doctor in Psychological Techniques, a graduate from class 34 or class L-24 must have obtained qualification through the state examination and be registered in Section B of the Register. To be admitted to the state examination for Section B of the Register, it is necessary, after obtaining a bachelor’s degree, to complete a semester of practical internship aimed at acquiring competencies, methodologies, and operational tools related to the professional practice of a Doctor in Psychological Techniques, as defined by Law 170/03.

DPR 328/01 provides for the professional activity to be conducted in two sectors:

  • Psychological techniques for social, organizational, and workplace contexts
  • Psychological techniques for personal and community services


The state examination for Section B is divided between the two sectors; therefore, those registered in one sector who wish to be registered in the other sector must obtain the relevant qualification by passing a specific state examination limited to the tests and subjects characteristic of the sector they wish to access (D.P.R. 328/01 - Art.3, paragraph 4).

In accordance with regulations regarding professional activity, the professional practice subject to the internship of the Doctor in Psychological Techniques must also be conceived distinctly from that of the psychologist, for which a different and subsequent training path is provided.

Those registered in Section B hold the professional title of Doctor in Psychological Techniques, differentiated according to the sector in:

  1. Doctor in Psychological Techniques for social, organizational, and workplace contexts
  2. Doctor in Psychological Techniques for personal and community services


Last update



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